the last giveaway for a blue Mizuno Judogi was very successful.
our goal with that giveaway was to get people to sign up before registration closed and it worked.
it's no suprise that we're always looking to increase membership and as such our next giveaway will be focused not just on early registration but also on brining new Judoka into class.
Over the Xmas break we tried multiple marketing stratagies, Instagram adds, reddit, nextdoor, email marketing lists from data analytics companies, Google ads, pretty much anything we could think of since we'd seen so much success in 2024 and wanted to ride that into a new record year for 2025.
the results: none of it did anything. we actually went down by 4 students registered between fall and winter. what did work was giving away stuff to our members and our members sharing their experiences online in reviews. so rather than spend money on marketing we're gonna invest that money in equipment and merchandise giveaways to the class.
Still working out the details on what we should offer as a prize for spring but the details for entry will be as follows
*sign up for spring before registration for spring closes and get 1 ticket entry
*get a new member to sign up and get an additional 2 tickets entered for yourself (one credited for your previous entry, one credited for the new student)
*no limit
*2x multiplier if you bring in 3 or more students.
example: if John Doe signs up +1 ticket, then John also introduces Judo to Jane, Tom, and Harry. then John would get 6 addititional tickets + 2X multiplier for a total 12 additional tickets into the drawing. additionally, if you had a ticket in the drawing previously from winter, those tickets will remain in the pool until that student is no longer registered or if that student wins a prize they'll get reset.